Benefits of being alone

A friend posted recently about the benefit of spending time alone, and how it’s not a “bad” thing. I offered this reply to her and thought others may find it interesting and hopefully beneficial:

There is a big difference between the unhealthy loneliness of isolation and the healthy peace, reflection, time with God, and preparation for societal interaction of solitude. I start my day, or try to, with an hour of quiet prayer, meditation (we’re talking 2 minutes of trying to clear my mind, on a good day!) spiritual reading and just “being.” It’s been instrumental in my sober journey this past 4 months. Granted, the luxury of retirement is huge, and not available to all. But I’ve also learned an extremely valuable lesson that has done worlds for the all-or-nothing mentality that led me to the “fuck it!” point of utter frustration, despair and relapse for over 12 years – that I can wrest success out of 10 min. A quick prayer – “please God, be with me today.” And a quick Psalm can suffice in place of a lengthy dialogue and 3 chapters of the Bible and the Big Book! And it can come at 2100 if it has to instead of 0500. And I can re-start my day any time – right now at midnight if I have to. I no longer have to say “fuck it… I blew it, I did __X_, I failed to do __Y__, just drink and start over tomorrow.” As if tomorrow I could get it perfect. I don’t have to do that ever again.

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Picture of oscar5lima
Retired Marine Military Police Officer turned Judge Advocate, veteran of OIF II-2 (Iraq 2004-05) and OEF 10.2 (Afghanistan 2010).

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