Having what you want
I showed up to Warriors Heart Lodge broken angry and hungover in September of 2023, I couldn’t even make it three days between an inpatient rehab and my flight to Texas without drinking. When I
Writings from Warriors in Recovery
I showed up to Warriors Heart Lodge broken angry and hungover in September of 2023, I couldn’t even make it three days between an inpatient rehab and my flight to Texas without drinking. When I
2025 CALL TO ACTION Warrior definition: ‘A person engaged or experienced in warfare. Broadly: A person engaged in a struggle or conflict.’ Recovery definition: ‘The process of combating a disorder (such as alcoholism) or a
13 December 2024 Nothing worth doing comes easy “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who
18 November, 2024 Recovery is a full contact sport, Part II Powerlessness and Control “…To gain power is to be increasingly powerless” – Olivia Blake Who wants to admit they are powerless? Isn’t nature in
14 November, 2024 Recovery is a full contact sport. I have misconceptions and expectations about everything. This is not new for me, it’s how I have been since I can remember. I consider myself fairly
WARRIORS PROMISE Definition Warrior: “A person engaged or experienced in warfare.” “A person engaged in some struggle or conflict.” Definition Promise: “A declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified.” especially “ground